Benefits of Aerolase Laser Treatment for Acne

If you’re searching for the ultimate laser treatment to address a wide range of skin concerns, it’s time to meet Aerolase! This FDA-approved device can correct dozens of aesthetic conditions, from rosacea to unwanted body hair, without the discomfort of other lasers on the market. Join us for a look into this revolutionary system to learn how it can improve your skin and help you get ahead of the aging process. 

What is the Aerolase laser treatment?

Aerolase laser treatments offer incredible results with little discomfort and virtually zero downtime. Here’s a look at how this device can reveal healthy, glowing skin:

How does the Aerolase laser treatment work?

The Aerolase laser device utilizes 650-microsecond pulse technology to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin deep within your skin. These connective tissues give our skin structure and elasticity, but our bodies make less of them as we age. 

This light therapy system sends heat into the skin, which our bodies interpret as damage. Then, our immune systems kick into gear and boost blood flow in the treatment area. 

What to expect during an Aerolase laser treatment

After thoroughly cleansing your skin, your skin care specialist will use the Aerolase laser device to infuse the treatment area with high-powered light energy. You might feel a sensation of gentle heat along with tiny zaps that feel like a rubber band snapping against your skin. Due to the high quality of the laser, most people experience very little discomfort or redness following treatment. 

Benefits of Aerolase laser treatment for acne

There’s a lot to love about Aerolase laser treatments. Here are some of the most notable perks: 

Quick process

Depending on the treatment area and skin concerns you’re addressing with laser therapy, sessions may take as little as 15 minutes. For example, acne sessions are generally very short. You can even plump up your lips without injections or surgery in 5 minutes! Other applications, such as those to address rosacea, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation, may run around half an hour. 

Little to no downtime

On top of speedy appointment times, you won’t have to waste the rest of your day recovering from an Aerolase treatment. In fact, many find that even when they do experience mild redness or irritation, it dissipates on its own within a few hours. 

Relatively painless

When compared to other laser devices, Aerolase is incredibly gentle on the skin. Numbing creams and other topicals to buffer sensitive skin are rarely needed, thanks to built-in cooling mechanisms. 

Boosts collagen production

The Aerolase laser’s ability to encourage collagen production is one of its best perks. In fact, that’s the secret behind the device’s multifaceted applications. Acne, skin discoloration, redness, spider veins, broken blood vessels, enlarged pores, and unwanted body hair are no match for this futuristic technology. 

Improves skin texture

Clients looking to revitalize dull, aging skin, smooth over enlarged pores, or otherwise improve their overall skin texture should look no further than this laser therapy device. Through both ablative and non-ablative treatments, Aerolase’s laser skin resurfacing can help you achieve a more youthful appearance. 

Reduces scarring

Whether you have stretch marks, acne scars, or scar tissue from an accident or injury, Aerolase can minimize the appearance of these blemishes. 

Suitable for all skin types

Unlike other lasers that pose a risk of hyperpigmentation in people with darker skin tones, Aerolase is safe for all skin types and colors. Even people with sensitive skin can typically tolerate treatments with this device. 

Aerolase laser treatment vs IPL for acne

While Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Aerolase have several fundamental similarities, there’s a clear winner when it comes to treating acne. Here are a few of the ways Aerolase comes out ahead of old-school IPL:


Aerolase lasers send highly targeted beams of light deep within the skin to kill bacteria, reduce sebum production, and encourage your body to generate collagen and elastin. Additionally, this device can be meticulously calibrated to address the needs of each and every client. Some people see results after a single session.

On the other hand, IPL devices are less powerful and direct, resulting in lower efficacy. Most people will need more IPL sessions to achieve Aerolase-level results.


When comparing prices, it might be tempting to opt for cheaper IPL sessions. However, it’s important to remember that IPL is quickly becoming outdated. It’s also less effective and causes more intense side effects than Aerolase. You may pay more up-front for Aerolase’s cutting-edge technology, but the results will be worth it.

Recovery time

IPL requires a lengthy recovery time, during which you must avoid excessive heat, sun exposure, and other elements. While it’s still important to follow all aftercare instructions provided by your treatment specialist following Aerolase sessions, you won’t have the same restrictions. 

Explore your laser treatment options at BOUQ Skin!

Better skin is just a treatment away at BOUQ Skin! We offer a range of Aerolase services, including signature facials, acne treatments, and skin rejuvenation. Contact us today to learn more, or book an appointment online to get started!


Laser vs IPL for Correcting Skin Concerns